When you’re having a baby – especially if you are becoming a mum for the first time – it can be tricky enough to sift through the advice from well-meaning friends and family. And that’s without factoring in the advice received from near-strangers! We think that the most important thing to remember, though, is that a happy mummy means a happy baby. And something that all new mums have in common is wanting to do the very best for their baby.

It’s important to find a couple of reliable information sources that you can really trust – and to treat all the other bits and pieces of unsolicited advice that are bound to come your way with a pinch of salt. We’ve compiled lots of expert tips for mums-to-be and for new mums on our dedicated pregnancy website. Why not check it out?
Prunes during pregnancy
Constipation is a common complaint during pregnancy with at least half of all expectant mothers affected, at some point. Fortunately, there are some simple diet-based solutions that could help:
- Drink plenty of fluids. Water, milk, natural fruit juices and herbal teas are all excellent choices. Sunsweet prune juice is also a great choice with its naturally occurring sorbitol and source of fibre. Why not start with the recommended daily serving of 120ml and see how that works for you?
- Make a concerted effort to include plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains in your diet to ensure that you have sufficient fibre. Sunsweet prunes are a high source of fibre and make a tasty and nutritious addition to recipes – both sweet and savoury. They are also a super-convenient snack food.
Prunes for new mums
- When you have a new arrival in tow, a good night’s sleep can quickly start to feel like a distant memory. It’s not surprising then that energy levels for new mums can hit an all-time low. Enjoyed straight from the pack, prunes are the ultimate grab-and-go snack.
- Prunes have a low Glycaemic Index (GI) of 29, which means that sugar (energy) is released relatively slowly on digestion.
- Are a source of vitamin B6, which helps you feel less tired, supports the normal release of energy from foods, & helps make normal blood cells.
- Are a source of copper & manganese, which support the normal release of energy from foods.
Prunes for children large and small
- Prunes that have been stewed with other fruits before pureeing – apples can work really well – make a lovely first food for babies. Follow the advice from your healthcare professional, about when to start weaning, and enjoy exploring new tastes with your baby.
And for older children, prunes can be enjoyed straight from the pack, included in the family’s favourite bakes or whizzed into a smoothie. Let your budding chefs be inspired by our recipe pages to create their own smoothies with prunes, prune juice and a repertoire of other healthy yummies!
PS: Did you know that World Breastfeeding Week starts on the 1st August? Check out the website for lots of hints and tips on feeding your baby. Breast is best, after all. But it’s important to remember that a happy mum means a happy baby!
Please Note: Prunes are good for digestion and help keep you regular, when 100g are eaten as part of a varied and balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Always consult a GP if you have any health concerns.